What is @turf/transform-rotate?
@turf/transform-rotate is a module from the Turf.js library that allows you to rotate geometries by a specified angle around a given pivot point. This can be useful for various geospatial data manipulations, such as aligning features or creating rotated versions of existing geometries.
What are @turf/transform-rotate's main functionalities?
Rotate a Point
This feature allows you to rotate a point geometry by a specified angle. In this example, a point at coordinates [0, 0] is rotated by 45 degrees.
const turf = require('@turf/turf');
const point = turf.point([0, 0]);
const rotatedPoint = turf.transformRotate(point, 45);
Rotate a Polygon
This feature allows you to rotate a polygon geometry by a specified angle. In this example, a square polygon is rotated by 90 degrees.
const turf = require('@turf/turf');
const polygon = turf.polygon([[
[0, 0],
[1, 0],
[1, 1],
[0, 1],
[0, 0]
const rotatedPolygon = turf.transformRotate(polygon, 90);
Rotate around a Custom Pivot
This feature allows you to rotate a geometry around a custom pivot point. In this example, a line is rotated by 45 degrees around the pivot point [1, 1].
const turf = require('@turf/turf');
const line = turf.lineString([[0, 0], [2, 2]]);
const pivot = [1, 1];
const rotatedLine = turf.transformRotate(line, 45, { pivot });
Other packages similar to @turf/transform-rotate
JSTS (JavaScript Topology Suite) is a library for performing various geometric operations, including transformations like rotation. It offers a more comprehensive set of geometric operations compared to @turf/transform-rotate, but it may be more complex to use for simple tasks.
Geolib is a library for geospatial calculations and transformations. It provides functions for rotating points and other geometries, similar to @turf/transform-rotate, but it also includes a broader range of geospatial utilities such as distance calculations and bounding box operations.
Rotates any geojson Feature or Geometry of a specified angle, around its centroid
or a given pivot
all rotations follow the right-hand rule: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-hand_rule
GeoJSON object to be rotatedangle
number of rotation (along the vertical axis), from North in decimal degrees, negative clockwiseoptions
Object Optional parameters (optional, default {}
Coord point around which the rotation will be performed (optional, default 'centroid'
boolean allows GeoJSON input to be mutated (significant performance increase if true) (optional, default false
var poly = turf.polygon([[[0,29],[3.5,29],[2.5,32],[0,29]]]);
var options = {pivot: [0, 25]};
var rotatedPoly = turf.transformRotate(poly, 10, options);
var addToMap = [poly, rotatedPoly];
rotatedPoly.properties = {stroke: '#F00', 'stroke-width': 4};
Returns GeoJSON the rotated GeoJSON feature
This module is part of the Turfjs project, an open source
module collection dedicated to geographic algorithms. It is maintained in the
Turfjs/turf repository, where you can create
PRs and issues.
Install this module individually:
$ npm install @turf/transform-rotate
Or install the Turf module that includes it as a function:
$ npm install @turf/turf